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Sarah Kruger's journey with Beamible

Sarah Kruger's journey with Beamible
From Sarah:
"The platform is highly engaging for employees and managers alike. It's not just about gathering data, it is about involving everyone in the process and making them feel valued."


Sarah Kruger, a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience at Accenture, has recently ventured out on her own. With expertise in finance, talent and the people space, change management, HR systems, and culture transformations, Sarah now provides advice and guidance in the people space, focusing on skills transition, workforce effectiveness, and workplace health and safety.

In her current portfolio structure, she collaborates with various organisations, leveraging Beamible to drive meaningful change.

This case study explores Sarah’s use of Beamible, the reasons behind her choice, and the significant benefits she has observed.

The Challenge

Sarah works with a diverse range of clients, including public sector organisations, financial services and infrastructure companies. These clients often face complex challenges related to team structuring, engagement, and productivity.
*Traditional methods of addressing these issues, such as time and motion studies, are laborious, unengaging, and inefficient.

“Organisations do not yet know what they don’t know! The functions of agile job analysis and process flow engineering are often negated or done poorly in businesses,” Sarah noted.

Beamible presented a promising solution to these challenges, that enables productivity and engagement to be improved.

Why Beamible?

Beamible’s agile work design strategy allows for dynamic reconfiguration and scenario modelling. Sarah highlighted several reasons why she values Beamible:

  1. Agile Job Design: Beamible enables deep task-based analysis and continuous refinement of job roles and work strategies through agile methodologies.

    “Beamible allows us to move from traditional waterfall project management to a more agile approach. It’s a game-changer for job design.”

  2. Scenario Modelling: The ability to run “what if” scenarios and simulations helps visualise the impact of changes in real-time.

    “The scenario modelling feature of Beamible is incredibly powerful. It allows simulation of different strategies to understand their potential impact before making any changes.”

  3. Efficiency and Engagement: Beamible transforms traditional project management, making it more engaging and less time-consuming, as team members have the opportunity to share what they are doing and how engaging that is, there is a much greater level of buy in from all people involved.

  4. Risk Management: Beamible helps identify risk factors related to psychosocial safety, ensuring managers can demonstrate they are setting up a safe working environment.

    • Reviewing how draining / energising activities are highlights where there might be future attrition risks and also team members at risk of burnout.

Benefits and Results

The adoption of Beamible Brings significant benefits:

  1. Time Savings: Beamible’s agile approach reduces the time required for job analysis and scenario modelling. The user driven completion is quick and reduces the need for massive spreadsheets recording where people are spending their time/

  2. Enhanced Decision-Making: The platform’s ability to provide real-time data and insights enhances decision-making processes for clients.

    “It provides the data and the starting point to bring leaders and their teams together, giving individuals an opportunity to share what they are doing and its impact,” she explained.

  3. Risk Management: Beamible helps identify risk factors related to psychosocial safety, employee engagement and potential attrition risks, ensuring managers can demonstrate they are setting up a safe working environment.

  4. Buy-in and engagement: A positive focus on improving productivity, rather than stripping costs, and engagement from the team members gives a greater sense of ownership in the outcomes of all people in the team


Sarah’s positive experiences with Beamible are echoed in her testimonials:

  • “The platform is highly engaging for employees and managers alike. It’s not just about gathering data, it is about involving everyone in the process and making them feel valued.”
  • “It significantly reduces the time spent on job analysis. What used to take weeks or even months can now be done in a fraction of the time.”
  • “Beamible is an essential tool that can be truly game changing for team in lifting productivity, managing risk and structuring work to better align with the areas that engage the team members”


Sarah Kruger’s journey with Beamible showcases the platform’s potential to revolutionise job design and process flow engineering. Through agile methodologies, scenario modelling, and enhanced decision-making capabilities, Beamible can provide superior outcomes for teams and leaders.

This case study highlights the transformative impact of Beamible and the critical role it can play in helping teams achieve their full potential.

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