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STADA Pharma: Uncovering Efficiencies to Drive Top Line Growth

STADA Pharma:  Uncovering Efficiencies to Drive Top Line Growth
From GM, Nigel Crowe:
“There has been a tangible uptick in top line and bottom line performance. A big reason is people are working on the right things - the targets and results seem to be taking care of themselves.”


STADA, a global pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare company with a growing presence in Australia and New Zealand, embarked on a change journey to address challenges related to unclear work allocation and to prepare for upcoming growth.

This case study illustrates how STADA is leveraging the Beamible platform to improve processes, increase role clarity, and drive strategic decision-making by uncovering efficiency opportunities.


“There has been a tangible uptick in top line and bottom line performance. A big reason is people are working on the right things - the targets and results seem to be taking care of themselves.” -Nigel Crowe, GM, STADA



The challenge they were facing

“We needed role clarity for our existing team and also an understanding of what the future need would be. We needed to make sure that the team had the capability to do what we were asking them to do. And so we needed to have an oversight about where the work was being done and how long it was taking them.

And, short of doing a Excel spreadsheet capturing this data, we knew that we had to capture it in a really objective way, which is why I went out to the market to seek some solutions there.“

- Gina James, People and Culture Business Partner


Why did they select Beamible to help solve their problems?

After evaluating different providers, STADA selected Beamible due to its unique ability to answer critical questions:

  • How much time is spent on strategic, future-focused imperatives versus administrative work?
  • How do people feel about the work they do? What specific activities do they enjoy, and what activities are driving burnout?
  • Where are there opportunities to reduce workload on the team without impacting productivity?

Beyond diagnosis, they liked that they could plan different scenarios for where work was going to go, who was going to do it and what work they were not going to do.

“It ticked a lot of boxes. It wasn’t just capturing data. It was then using that data to provide insights. And then what I liked about it was that you could also use AI to generate solutions to address some of the main concerns that are identified through that data collection.”

- Gina James, People and Culture Business Partner


Diagnosis revealed 3 efficiency opportunities:

“We knew that we were overworked, but we could very clearly see where there are problems with our processes and systems, where there are problems with capability, and where there are problems with people’s focus and where they are actually spending their time - which meant we could address those things.”

- Nigel Crowe, GM


What action did they take after seeing the insights?

1. Systems and process inefficiencies - were able to evolve processes and implement systems that could remove the ‘busy work’

2.Capability gaps - building a capability within to be able to identify low value work and look at ways to stop, reduce, or even automate that work

3. Lack of focus on the right work - focused people on the work which is driving top line growth and bottom line performance. They were able to give clarity on what each person’s accountabilities and responsibilities were, and what they weren’t



Enhanced productivity and reduced workloads. Future focus work increased significantly, those working over capacity reduced while maintaining other productivity indicators.


Results of STADA Pharma Case Study with Beamible



1. Prioritisation and Improved decision-making: The data-driven insights provided by Beamible enabled STADA to make more informed decisions regarding resource allocation, strategic planning, and work prioritisation. This resulted in better alignment with organisational goals and improved outcomes.

2. Cultural transformation: The introduction of Beamible’s matrix-based approach led to a cultural transformation within STADA. The platform became an integral part of the company’s dialogue, enabling teams to align their efforts and focus on strategically important work.

3. Prepare for growth: Beamible insights enabled STADA to assess work activity across the team and allocate work strategically, with defined roles and responsibilities, and establish guidelines and processes for efficient operations.



STADA’s partnership with Beamible is still ongoing and has so far proven instrumental in streamlining work allocation, driving growth, and fostering a culture of strategic decision-making.

By leveraging the platform’s capabilities, STADA is successfully addressing its challenges, improving productivity, and achieving greater role clarity.

This case study serves as a testament to the transformative power of Beamible in enabling organisations to optimise their operations and achieve sustainable growth and the leadership team for finding a cost-effective and strategic solution to a challenge currently facing organisations across the world.

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