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ViVA Health at Work’s Success with Beamible

ViVA Health at Work’s Success with Beamible
From Sara:
"It has transformed our approach to job design and process flow engineering, making our work more dynamic and efficient."


ViVA health at work, a human factors and human-centred work design consultancy firm, has been leveraging Beamible to enhance its service offerings. In a recent interview, Sara Pazell PHE, CPE, founder at ViVA, shared insights into how Beamible has become an integral tool in their consultancy work.

This case study explores ViVA’s journey with Beamible, the reasons behind their choice, and the significant benefits they have observed.

The Challenge

ViVA works with a diverse range of clients, including education, healthcare, local government, transportation, construction, and mining organisations. These clients often face complex challenges related to job and work design and workplace transformation, like integrating new technologies or managing new work environments, including distributed work away from a central office. Traditional methods of addressing these issues, such as using spreadsheets, were laborious and inefficient.

“Businesses do not yet know what they don’t know! The functions of a person-centred, agile, task-based, job and work system analysis and design approach are often negated or done poorly in businesses when managing their transformations.”

The need for a more dynamic, efficient solution was clear, and Beamible presented a promising answer.

Why Beamible?

Beamible’s agile work design tooling allows for dynamic reconfiguration and person-centred scenario modelling, making it a valuable tool for ViVA’s consultancy work.

Sara highlighted several reasons why ViVA chose Beamible:

  1. Agile Job Design: Beamible enables ViVA to perform deep task-based analysis and continuously refine job roles and work strategies through agile methodologies.
  2. Scenario Modelling: The ability to run “what if” scenarios and simulations helps ViVA visualise the impact of changes in real-time.
  3. Efficiency and Engagement: Beamible transforms traditional data capture, analysis and planning, making it more engaging and less time-consuming.

“Beamible gives you a chance to continually check in with pulse surveys and reconfigure things and do a lot of ‘what if’ scenarios, modelling, and simulations,” Sara explained. “Additionally, this information can be used with cost analytics to inform business decisions.”

Implementation and Usage

ViVA’s implementation of Beamible began with a focus on the challenges of their key clients – this started with a client in the education sector who wanted to determine workload demands on teaching staff.

As a Consulting Partner, ViVA acts as a steward of the system, helping organisations design their scenarios, the scope of a business review, and the person-centred and systems-oriented way to make effective changes. Organisations can work with Beamible through Consulting Partnerships developing their proof-of-concept trials, bypassing hurdles of convincing their central office to adopt the software through their IT departments without first understanding the benefits of their business problem resolution.

This success story underscores the importance of consultancy intermediaries in educating clients on the value of work design tooling through Beamible. ViVA’s role was crucial in demonstrating how Beamible could transform their job design and process flow engineering practices.

Benefits and Results

The adoption of Beamible has brought significant benefits to ViVA and its clients:

  1. Time Savings: Beamible’s agile approach reduces the time required for job analysis and scenario modelling, allowing ViVA to deliver results more efficiently. “I think it adds value 100%.”
  2. Revenue Opportunities: “It gives us another touch point to go back to a client with,” Sara noted.
  3. Enhanced Decision-Making: The platform’s ability to provide real-time data and insights enhances decision-making processes for clients. “It’s another plus one,” said Sara, referring to how Beamible complements their existing tools and methodologies.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Beamible has become a competitive advantage for ViVA, helping them convert clients and propose more comprehensive solutions. “It adds to our suite of how we can solve problems and meet business challenges,” Sara emphasised.


Sara’s positive experiences with Beamible are echoed in her testimonials:

  • “We can now visualise the impact of changes in real-time, which has significantly improved our decision-making process.”
  • “It has transformed our approach to job design and process flow engineering, making our work more dynamic and efficient.”
  • “Beamible helps us deliver the service that we offer, and it’s adding value 100%.”


ViVA’s journey with Beamible showcases the platform’s potential to revolutionise job design and process flow engineering. Through agile methodologies, scenario modelling, and enhanced decision-making capabilities, Beamible has empowered ViVA to provide superior consultancy services and research capability to benefit their clients.

As ViVA continues to explore new applications and partnerships, Beamible remains a cornerstone of their success strategy.

By integrating Beamible into their consultancy practices, ViVA has improved efficiency and client engagement and positioned themselves as a leader in innovative job design solutions.

This case study highlights the transformative impact of Beamible and the critical role of consultancy intermediaries like ViVA in realising its full potential.

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